I have turned on a lot of people to this app but all don’t like how you have to go to the blue dot to listen. HeyTell is an app that has this as a feature. It would be great if you could have a message that stays on the home screen should you miss the original message and then you just press it to listen while it is displayed on the home screen. Now you have to go to the little blue dot to listen. Please change when someone leaves you a walkie talkie message and how you view it. In addition to voice, Zello has other standard chat features (texting, image and location sharing, call alerts) This is exactly what Zello is perfect for - thanks for your caravan story! Just wondering what you used during the fest instead and why. We’ll definitely use it again in future years!

We didn’t use it much during the fest as the group has other means of chat. We would have lost another car during group meetup too the verbal communications made my instructions clear enough for my friend to disobey an ignorant traffic directors orders, escaping with them yelling in the background and successfully rejoining our group (don’t try this at home, kids). (no one fessed up to it 😝) We also found it handy during security check as the group is forced to split up a bit. Thanks to this app I was quickly able to alert 2 cars that got off I-10 at the wrong exit and they were quickly able to rejoin our group. It’s a challenge as there are many traffic lights that can split up the group and a few turns. I direct a caravan of 15 cars from a superstore parking lot to the Coachella camp grounds each year. #1 choice of companies like Hilton, Honda, and YRC Freight.Use with countless compatible devices and push-to-talk accessories - even radios.Send photos, text, or location to coworkers or friends instantly.Organize communication in channels of up 6000 users.